March 24th, 2008 + 4:03 AM  ·  WritersBlock

Having upload issues.
Been rather inactive lately.
Pop in now and then.
Leave a post once in a while.

Anyway, I've decided to put together a little "EP" of my stuff over the last 4 months. There's 7 songs at around 20 minutes overall, some songs are up here, others are refusing to upload, and it annoys me. There's full tracklisting with links to all the songs and a trippy cover art at this link: http://writersblock.newgrounds.com/news/post/98639
I'll see if I can get the cover art shown here:

So, yeah, "Colours of Music EP" is just a short project slapped together while I've got the proper Colours of Music project on hold. Obviously, it's nothing I'd think about selling, it's a showcase of my music, is all, and I think it's a huge step up from 2007, and I was hoping to upload the latest track "Astronaut's Waltz" here today, but upload issues say it's not a valid .mp3, which it is, and I've tried changing the title, importing and exporting in audacity, it's a 128 kbps .mp3 sampled at 44.1 kHz as exported in FL7. I don't know why it fails me, it worked fine uploading to newgrounds, so if anyone actually comes to this blog and wants to listen to my latest music, you'll have to go to newgrounds, and I'd much prefer to have everything right here on bandAmp for your convenience. I might also try uploading the EP to LastFM (I went there a while ago to find out that I already had an artist profile, I was flattered!).

In other news, if you look at my previous blog on my newgrounds profile, you can read about an awesome flash tutorial I'm working on, whick will be a complete guide to beginner musicians. And as well as hosting it on newgrounds, a newgrounds friend and fellow musician, MaestroRage (he's much more professional than me, he does comissions for his epic music for lots of online games), yeah, he's allowed me to host it on his site, too. His site: http://www.symphonyofspecters.com/
And now for a shameless plug for his site, it's basically a site where he can showcase all his epic orchestral compositions/collaborations, provide news and take requests for games/movies. He's got a real professional sound, and there's lots of songs to just spend hours listening through, it's well worth the listen.
[/shameless plug]
So, yeah, that's what's up with me, I've kind of drifted in and out, not really contributing much here, but I've got stuff ready to contribute when I can get things sorted out.




May 26th, 2009 + 4:05 AM  ·  FLYER7747

I was checking out your site..It looks really nice...I guess that is keeping you very busy...nice work on it..I hope you sell a lot of your songs


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